Thursday, October 30, 2008
Senate Update
Here's our Senate update. There is no doubt that the Democrats will retain control of the United States Senate, however, the question is how big of a majority will they have. The magic number for the Democrats is 60. With 60 seats, their majority becomes, at least in theory, filibuster proof. Unlike any other legislative body, 40 percent can set the agenda by bringing legislation to a halt through a procedural move called a filibuster. Long gone are the days when Senators actually take to the floor and stall legislation through "debating it to death." All that happens today is a Senator calls for a filibuster and if he or she can get 39 other Senators to go along, the legislation is killed.
Even if the Democrats do get the 60 seat majority, it doesn't mean the end of the road for the GOP, because the Democrats will have to rely on Lieberman (I-CT) and a few other conservative Democrats to tow the line (Ben Nelson D-NE, Mary Landrieu D-LA, and Mark Pryor D-AR). With that said, here's our look.
There are 37 Democrats plus 2 Independents who caucus with the Democrats who are not up for election. There are 26 Republicans not up for election. There are 35 seats contested in this election. The names in bold are Democratic pick ups. There are no Democratic seats in danger of a party change.
Safe GOP (9)
Sessions (AL), Risch (ID), Roberts (KS), Cochran (MS), Inhofe (OK), Graham (SC), Alexander (TN), Barrasso (WY), and Enzi (WY).
Safe Dem (15)
Pryor (AR), Biden (DE), Durbin (IL), Harkin (IA), Kerry (MA), Levin (MI), Baucus (MT), Lautenberg (NJ), Reed (RI), Johnson (SD), Rockefeller (WV) Warner (VA), Udall (NM), Udall (CO), Begich (AK)
Likely GOP (4)
Johanns (NE), Cornyn (TX), Collins (ME), Wicker (MS)
Likely Dem (2)
Landrieu (LA), Shaneen (NH),
Lean GOP (2)
McConnell (KY), Chambliss (GA)
Lean Dem (2)
Hagan (NC), Merkley (OR)
Toss Up (1)
Coleman/Franken (MN) (Coleman is the incumbent Republican)
We believe the Democrats will pick up eight seats by winning all the seats which are lean, likely, or safe, and the Minnesota seat. The Republicans will hold all the seats listed as safe, likely, and lean. That means a 59 seat majority for the Democrats. Their most likely way to get to 60 is to pick off Saxby Chambliss in Georgia. A tremendous African-American turn out could end Chambliss's Senate career.
Prediction of new Senate: Democrats (with the two independents) 59, Republicans 41.
All ACORN, All the Time -- The parallel universe that is Fox News
When Buzz and I can't find an old episode of Star Trek on the plethora of cable channels we have at the OVC central command, we can always travel to an alternate universe on Fox News. It's almost impossible to turn to Fox News these days and not see a series of stories on ACORN. ACORN (the association of community organizations for reform now) is the nation’s largest grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people with over 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities across the country. It was created in 1970 and has a commitment to social and economic justice.
Fox News has devoted almost as much time to ACORN as Nancy Grace has dedicated to telling us that Casey Anthony should be drawn and quartered. The problem with ACORN is that they hired people on an incentive system based on the total number of registrations an individual could get. The more registrations the workers, got they more they got paid. This lead to registrations of "Mickey Mouse" in Florida and the Dallas Cowboys team in Nevada. What's important to remember about the ACORN matter is that ACORN was required by law to hand in these registrations no matter how illegitimate they appeared. ACORN went one step further and red flagged any suspicious registration before they handed them into the Voter Registration Offices. These fictitious registrants are not showing up to vote.
Barack Obama's only direct formal connection to ACORN was limited to representing ACORN as co-counsel with the US Department of Justice on an Illinois Motor Voter case in the early 1990s. It is true that a number of ACORN's future leaders participated in "Project Vote" in the early 1990s. Obama helped organize Project Vote, a successful voter registration drive in Illinois in the early 1990s. This is the ACORN story, period. Sorry. One more point. John McCain was a featured speaker in February of 2006 at an ACORN rally in Miami, Florida. McCain gave a speech where he praised the group's accomplishments and mission.
Fox News is neither "Fair" nor "Balanced." It is basically the propaganda wing of the Republican National Committee. Don't get me wrong, other national media outlets certainly have a liberal slant, but at least they attempt to report the news with only occasional commentary. There are those on MSNBC, for example, who obviously have an axe to grind. Keith Olbermann is the perfect example. Countdown with KO is a very entertaining and informative show, but at least Keith tries to separate his opinion from the news he reports. Again, don't get me wrong. Olbermann is a liberal and proud of it. When he wants to pontificate on a subject at length, he separates that opinion in his "Special Comment" segment.
Further, MSNBC is not just Keith Olbermann. MSNBC has a three hour morning program hosted by conservative former GOP Congressman Joe Scarborough. And here's something that has always perplexed us about, does Pat Buchannan live at the MSNBC studios? He is literally on from morning to night, forcefully offering his well reasoned conservative point of view. During the rest of the programing day, they offer a variety of anchors who may be liberals at heart, but give conservatives and liberals fairly equal treatment.
What Fox has done is intertwine news with opinion so tightly that you can't tell the two apart. Sean Hannity is the perfect example. Here's a little drinking game for our avid readers. Watch Hannity and Colmes. Drink every time Hannity says any of the following: "Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Father Flager, Joe the Plumber, or Socialist." Mark my word, you will be falling down drunk fifteen minutes into the show.
But what is more troubling than the opinion shows of Hannity and Bill O'Reilly is the fact that 24 hours a day, Fox tries to pass off opinion as news, all the while blasting the Main Stream Media, to which it is a part. In a perfect world, it would be nice to have an alternative to liberal leaning media --- a network that was indeed "Fair and Balanced," but what Fox News has created is the conservative counterpart to the liberal evils they decry.
Let's take Sarah Palin as an example. Palin did a number of interviews with Fox News' Sean Hannity, and I use the word "interview" very loosely. Hannity failed to ask her a single difficult questions. His interview can be summed up this way. Hannity's questions amounted to "Tell us why you are the Second Coming of Christ." It was like an eight year old child interviewing his sports hero. The Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric interviews consisted of questions which any competent candidate for the nation's second highest office should have answered with ease. They were not "gotcha" journalism, or the media picking on her because she is a woman. THEY WERE THE MEDIA DOING THEIR JOB. Hillary Clinton would have been able to answer the Gibson and Couric questions with ease, because she knows how to think and analyze, not just spout off scripted talking points.
Here's some recent gems from the "fair and balanced" network. Dick Morris repeatedly said Obama was general counsel for ACORN. Obama was an associate in a law firm that represented ACORN in a "motor voter" law suit in 1993. ACORN "almost" got money in the $700 billion bailout. Neither the September draft proposal nor the final version of the bill contained any language mentioning ACORN. Hannity referred to former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines as "a chief economic adviser" to Obama. Raines has no involvement with Obama or his campaign.
In 2003, the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland conducted a thorough study of public knowledge and attitudes about current events and the war on terrorism. While the PIPA study concluded that most Americans (over 60%) held at least one of these mistaken impressions, the researchers also concluded that Americans’ opinions were shaped in large part by which news outlet they relied upon to receive their information.
Looking at the misperceptions one at a time, people were asked, for example, if the U.S. had discovered the alleged stockpiles of WMD in Iraq since the war began. Just 11% of those who relied on newspapers as their “primary news source” incorrectly believed that U.S. forces had made such a discovery. Only slightly more — 17% — of those who relied on NPR and PBS were wrong. Yet 33% of Fox News viewers were wrong, far ahead of those who relied on any other outlet.
Likewise, when people were asked if the U.S. had “clear evidence” that Saddam Hussein was “working closely with al Queda,” similar results were found. Only 16% of NPR and PBS listeners/viewers believed that the U.S. has such evidence, while 67% of Fox News viewers were under that mistaken impression.
Overall, 80 percent of those who relied on Fox News as their primary news source believed at least one of the three misperceptions. Viewers/listeners/readers of other news outlets didn’t even come close to this total
The by-product of the Fox News propaganda machine is a misinformed public, and a public that focuses on the propaganda spewed forth by Fox News. Buzz showed me an example of this in one of our local papers from this week. There were two "letters to the editor" in support of John McCain. Neither of them focused on McCain more than saying McCain puts "country first," and he is a man of "absolute moral character and integrity." The main focus of the letters was Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, ACORN, an the liberal media. In fairness, there was one letter supporting Obama. That letter did an adequate job explaining Obama's tax plans as the reason to vote for Obama.We're gonna go watch some Star Trek.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Next To The Last Electoral Update
With six days to go we have yet to see the long anticipated John McCain surge. Barack Obama has seen a slight decline (maybe 1.5 points) in the Realclearpolitics national average. Tonight marks the 30 minute Obama infomercial. McCain does not have the money to counter punch.
The surprises or states which jump out at us because they have changed categories from last week are
Here are our categories. Safe is defined as an average poll lead of 10.0 points or more, Solid is a poll average of 5.0 points to 9.9 points, and Leaning is defined as 3.0 to 4.9 point average lead. Toss Up states are defined as a state which either candidate leads by less than a 3.0 poll average. For those of you not as electorally savvy as Buzz or me, the magic number is 270 electoral votes.
Our 2008 Presidential Election Prediction, where we will pick both the electoral vote total and the popular vote total, is at the end of the article.
Safe Obama (259)
California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), District of Columbia (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (21), Iowa (7), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (12), Michigan (17), Minnesota (10), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (15), New York (31), Oregon (7), Pennsylvania (21), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (11), Wisconsin (10).
Solid Obama (52)
Leaning Obama (27)
Safe McCain (124)
Solid McCain (18)
Leaning McCain (21)
Toss Up (37)
Solid Obama and Safe Obama (311) Solid and Safe McCain (142)
Obama with Leaners (338) McCain with Leaners (163)
Now here’s the 6 day out prediction Obama 364 electoral votes, McCain 174 electoral votes. We believe
Monday, October 27, 2008
Another Day, Another Major Endorsement
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Obama Leads in Newspaper Endorsements 170-69
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pennsylvania - Bob Barr Country
Friday, October 24, 2008
Early Voting Looks Good for Obama
Thursday, October 23, 2008
McCain-Palin R.I.P.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We Broke Our Promise
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Two Weeks.... and counting
Here’s a redefinition of our categories. Safe is defined as an average poll lead of 10.0 points or more, Solid is a poll average of 5.0 points to 9.9 points, and Leaning is defined as 3.0 to 4.9 point average lead. Toss Up states are defined as a state which either candidate leads by less than a 3.0 poll average. For those of you not as electorally savvy as Buzz or me, the magic number is 270 electoral votes.
Our 2008 Presidential Election Prediction, where we will pick both the electoral vote total and the popular vote total, is at the end of the article.
Safe Obama (239)
California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), District of Columbia (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (21), Iowa (7), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (12), Michigan (17), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (15), New York (31), Oregon (7), Pennsylvania (21), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (11),
Solid Obama (38)
Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5), Virginia (13), Wisconsin (10).
Leaning Obama (14)
Colorado (9), Nevada (5),
Safe McCain (137)
Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arizona (10), Arkansas (6), Idaho (4), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (9), Mississippi (6), Nebraska (5), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (8), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (34), Utah (5), Wyoming (3).
Solid McCain (18)
Georgia (15), Montana (3),
Leaning McCain (11)
Indiana (11).
Toss Up (81)
Florida (27), Missouri (11), North Carolina (15), North Dakota (3), Ohio (20), West Virginia (5).
Solid Obama and Safe Obama (277) Solid and Safe McCain (155)
Obama with Leaners (291) McCain with Leaners (166)
Now here’s the two week out prediction Obama 364 electoral votes, McCain 174 electoral votes. Our prediction on the popular vote is Obama 53 percent, McCain 46 percent,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Powell Endorses Obama and Goodbye Sarah
Friday, October 17, 2008
Chicago Tribune Makes History
Washington Post Endorses Obama
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"Joe the Plumber" Aint No Plumber
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Last Debate
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Fourth Quarter Has Begun
We have also added our 2008 Presidential Election Prediction, where we will pick both the electoral vote total and the popular vote total.
Safe Obama (239)
California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), District of Columbia (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (21), Iowa (7), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (12), Michigan (17), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (15), New York (31), Oregon (7), Pennsylvania (21), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (11),
Solid Obama (25)
Minnesota (10), New Mexico (5), Wisconsin (10).
Leaning Obama (69)
Colorado (9), Florida (27), Ohio (20), Virginia (13).
Safe McCain (140)
Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arizona (10), Arkansas (6), Idaho (4), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (9), Mississippi (6), Nebraska (5), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (8), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (34), Utah (5), Wyoming (3).
Solid McCain (18)
Georgia (15), Montana (3),
Leaning McCain (5)
Indiana (11).
Toss Up (42)
Missouri (11), Nevada (5), North Carolina (15), West Virginia (5).
Solid Obama and Safe Obama (264) Solid and Safe McCain (158)
Obama with Leaners (333) McCain with Leaners (163)
The national and state numbers continue to trend towards Obama. As the numbers harden, McCain is running out of time and voters. Obama’s national average is hovering around 50 percent. McCain is mired in the low 40s. As far as the states go, McCain’s chances of winning any of the states Kerry won in 2004 are very slim. Obama, on the other hand, leads by 3 or more points in six states Bush won in 2004, totaling 81 electoral votes. Two of those states (New Mexico [5] and Iowa [7]) sees Obama consistently ahead by 5 or more points.
Since Kerry won 252 electoral votes in 2004, the addition of New Mexico and Iowa puts Obama at 264, six votes shy of the 270 number. What this means is that McCain must hold all the states in which he has a lead and win every other state where Obama is leading. With the exception of Nevada, an Obama win in any one of these states means Obama will be taking the oath of office on January 20th. (Winning them all and losing Nevada would mean a 269-269 tie.)
If there is a tie, the Presidential election goes to the newly elected House of Representatives, with each state getting one vote. Twenty six votes are needed to win the election. It appears that the new House will have 27 delegations with a Democratic majority, and thus Obama should win if it goes to the House in an unlikely electoral tie.
Now here’s the three week out prediction Obama 349 electoral votes, McCain 189 electoral votes. Our prediction on the popular vote is Obama 53 percent, McCain 46 percent, Others 1 percent.